Game Time Forecast - Executive Players Club Tony DeMarco BAD experience - anyone else?


New member
Dec 1, 2011
Ok so I'm new here, I've not done much online in terms of ever talking about my sports hobby but I needed to get online to do some research on this group. I heard their tout radio show a few weeks ago, and contrary to my best judgement I called and became part of the "Executive Players Club" with Tony DeMarco. Let's make a long story short and say it was the worst decision I've ever made in my life. I went 0 and 5 on their "top plays" that I paid a significant amount of money for and now they're making every excuse in the book to get my "investment reward" back. Trying to get more games out of them without paying them more money is proving impossible.

I should have known better when it took me 5 tries to write their phone number down since they say it so fast. Luckily they repeated it about once every 6 or 7 words in their show so its kind of hard to not eventually get it right. I know it's pretty safe to assume that some of these guys don't use their real names but seriously? Al DeMarco seems to be pretty popular and now Tony DeMarco? Any relation? I doubt it. His voice also seems strangely familiar like I've heard him on the radio before on another show but Googling his name doesn't come up with anything.

Has ANYONE else had any experience with Tony DeMarco or Game Time Forecast and the Executive Players Club? I hate feeling like I've been taken for a fool. This is my first venture into using a service and I figured since they are on the radio they must be OK, but losing every single game they gave me leaves me feeling a bit like I've been had. I guess them's the breaks. Anyone else?
Jan 17, 2007
Welcome to The RX. I'm sure you will find All the Information you seek Here.

BOL ! :toast:

New member
Dec 1, 2011
Thanks, I have been browsing around the site since I joined (I found it by searching on Google) and there's lots of great people and information here. Thanks for the warm welcome!

Bulldog Mentality
Feb 9, 2010
lots of decent cappers here that can maintain around 55-58% range on average, so you will win a little and they are generous to do this to help fellow players at no charge

New member
Dec 1, 2011
Thanks reservoirdog. I love your signature, it is so fitting for me considering that my common sense told me not to send these guys my money...if it seems too good to be true it probably is right? I'm going to look around here and find some good handicappers. My problem isn't that I don't know how to reasonably handicap my own games (I'm not as good as some but not as bad as others), I just don't have the time to research things properly. I have no problem paying a service to do the leg work, I just hate getting taken for a complete ride based on lies like the Gametime Forecast/Tony DeMarco group spreads around.

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